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Home Access

CareLinc’s Rehab department provides independent living solutions, products and services to help those in need live more independently. For those who are aging at home or the physically challenged, CareLinc’s skilled professionals can provide a home accessibility assessment and are trained to evaluate and enhance an individual’s mobility. We quote, sell, install, and service the leading brands of home modification and accessibility products with barrier-free designs. Utilizing products like stair lifts, platform lifts, ceiling lifts, wheelchair ramp systems, walk in bathtubs and other solutions, CareLinc can help optimize an individual’s freedom and increase comfort in their home.

Aging in place

Being able to stay in your home as you get older is known as 'aging in place.' But as many older adults discover, doing their daily activities and getting around just isn't as easy as it once was. They find themselves requiring additional assistance or adjustments to their homes to live independently and ease their families concerns on their overall safety. By thinking ahead, planning and careful consideration about again in place, folks may very well be able to do just that with CareLinc's help!   

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Bathtub Modification

Interested in a CleanCut Tub conversion? Our expert installers can have your bathtub modification done the same day! 

CleanCut Brochure

Residential Ramp Systems

Working with the best brands in the industry like EZ Access, CareLinc's home access team is trained to evaluate and suggest the best solutions to enhance mobility and optimize independence. 

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